Class 13 – 25 Simulated Exam #1 (Sgts)

This test consists of 65 questions: 60 NJ Attorney General/Directive questions and 5 Time-Killer type scheduling questions.

Print the Exam and Answer (Bubble) Sheet – For your convenience you can also take the Computer-Based Test however to get the “real feel” as to how your exam will be administered, you should print the test and answer sheet and take it first.

Give yourself 2 1/2 hours to complete this test.

Click to Print the supplemental material (2 pages) for Questions 61 through 65. (Only if taking the Computer-Based Test)

Click to Print the Simulated Exam #1 (Includes Supplemental Material)

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Simulated Exam #1

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James Beland has been taken into custody. Officer Michaels tells you that James will be held for a period of time before he is released. If James is to be held for ________,  he is to be asked whether he has any child or other person dependent solely upon James for their care, sustenance or supervision.

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2. Which of the below statements is false with regard to the N.J. Attorney General Guidelines for Forfeiture?

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3. In a bias incident investigation, who is responsible for contacting other appropriate law enforcement agencies as required by the N.J. Attorney General Bias Incident Investigation Standards?

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4. According to the N.J. Attorney General Standards to Ensure the Rights of Crime Victims, the arresting/investigating police agency should notify a victim of the apprehension and detention of the offender within certain time limits. There is a requirement for immediate telephone notification upon the arrest of an offender for certain crimes. Other than the specific crimes listed in the guidelines for immediate notification, telephone notification is required within ___ hours upon the arrest of an offender to victims of all other offenses.

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5. Mary Hart wishes to apply for a temporary restraining order (T.R.O.) against her boyfriend, Mike Hicks, but does not wish to file a criminal complaint. Where should Mary file the T.R.O.?

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6. Officer Smith of the Uptown Police Department has been involved in a domestic violence incident where his on- and off-duty firearms have been seized at his home. The Uptown Police Department is in Sumter County and Officer Smith lives in Overton County. The Uptown Police Department requires that officers purchase their own on-duty firearms. Where would the on-duty handgun be eventually stored?

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7. According to the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement Between Education and Law Enforcement, which of the below is not a benefit of the presence of a police officer in a school (School Resource Officer)?

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8. Officer Dino has been on the job for 25 years. He has recently begun experimenting with cocaine and word has gotten back to his department. He has been ordered to submit to a drug test. Upon being notified, he quickly goes to the Human Resources Department and submits his retirement papers. Which of the below is true regarding this situation according to the N.J. Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Drug Testing Policy?

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9. According to N.J.S. 2C:39-6j: A person shall qualify for an exemption from the provisions of N.J.S. 2C:39-5, if the person has satisfactorily completed a firearms training course approved by the Police Training Commission. Such exempt person shall not possess or carry a firearm until the person has satisfactorily completed a firearms training course and shall _______ qualify in the use of a revolver or similar weapon.

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10. Kevin Young has passed away in a horrific vehicle collision. His only next-of-kin is his son who lives in Concord, New Hampshire. How should his son be notified of his death?

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11. Which of the below is incorrect regarding the fundamentals of the disciplinary process according to the N.J. Attorney General Internal Affairs Policy and Procedures?

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12. Chief Reynolds is reviewing the department’s Early Warning (EW) System, specifically the number of separate instances where performance indicators will trigger the EW review process. Currently the department is meeting the minimum number of ___ separate instances of performance indicators triggering the review process.

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13. Officer Platos asks you under what circumstances may she engage in a curbside warning with a juvenile. You correctly answer:

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14. Prior to using a juvenile informant to purchase a controlled dangerous substance, or otherwise actively aid in the investigation of an offense, a law enforcement officer shall obtain written authorization from:

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15. After initially qualifying as a K-9 patrol team or K-9 specialty team, the police officer handler and police dog team must at a minimum be re-evaluated:

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16. Which of the below constitutes a “high risk missing person” according to Patricia’s Law (52:17B-212)?

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17. The following records shall be deemed to be public records and shall be available to the public within 24 hours, or sooner if practicable, of a request for such information:

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18. The River City Police Department has hired Brainiacs Computer Software Company, LLC to perform several repairs and installations to the department’s computers. According to the guidelines on Shared Municipal and Police Computer Systems, which of the below is true with reference to the company’s personnel?

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19. The Directive on the Approval of Search Warrant Applications requires officers to obtain express authorization for issuance of a search warrant from an Assistant County Prosecutor. Which of the below types of search warrants does the directive apply to?

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20. Harry Weiss is at the police station after being arrested for a crime not requiring incarceration and will be released soon. You are the officer in charge of the station house. The arresting officer, Officer King, tells you that he believes Harry is concealing narcotics in his underwear and wants to conduct a strip search. Which of the below is false of what is required for a strip search in this situation?

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21. Regarding the N.J. Attorney General’s Use of Force Policy and Procedures, there are several definitions, two of which are “active assailant” and “threatening assailant.” How does a threatening assailant become an active assailant?

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22. David Hertz has died while in the police station, apparently as a result of a drug overdose. Your agency should immediately notify the County Prosecutor’s Office of the death as per the N.J. Attorney General Directive Ensuring the Independent Investigation of Criminal Cases Involving Police Use-of-Force or In-Custody Deaths as this type of incident is considered a Law Enforcement Incident requiring notification. Which other types of incidents are defined by the directive in addition to the death of a civilian while in the custody of law enforcement?

I.    Any use of force by a law enforcement officer resulting in death.
II.  The death of a law enforcement officer during an encounter with civilian.
III. Any use of force by a law enforcement officer resulting in bodily injury.
IV. Any use of deadly force by a law enforcement officer, regardless of whether such force resulted in injury.

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23. According to the Guidelines Regarding the “Substantially Identical” Provision in the State’s Assault Firearms Laws, if a semi-automatic pistol would be considered substantially identical to one of the prohibited weapons listed under N.J.S. 2C:39-1w.(1) it must have

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24. Paul Cryer is traveling from his vacation home in Toms River to his home in Vernon Township, a trip of approximately 110 miles. He has with him, locked in a gun box, unloaded and secured in his trunk, his legally purchased Sig Sauer P220, 45 caliber firearm. On his way home he realizes he forgot to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy close to his business in Paterson and must make a detour for this reason. While in Paterson, Paul is stopped by Officer Bunce and advises the officer about the handgun. With regards to Guidelines Regarding Reasonably Necessary Deviations in the Course of Travel Exception for Transporting Firearms Pursuant to N.J.S. 2C:39-6g, which of the below statements is true regarding this scenario?

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25. While on patrol Officer Gomez discovered a firearm in an alleyway close to the end of her shift. She asks you what the time period is to enter e-Trace-related information directly to the NJ Trace System. You correctly answer “as soon as practicable, but no later than within:

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26. All law enforcement agencies in New Jersey must participate in the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) eTrace System “Collective Data Sharing” program and share all crime gun trace result data they receive from ATF with participating state law enforcement agencies. There may be cases where a law enforcement agency has a concern about sharing information in a particular trace report. In such instances, the law enforcement agency may contact the __________ to designate the trace report being submitted as “Sensitive.”

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27. The Indigo Town Police Department’s headquarters is under renovations and a new property vault will be constructed. Chief Lawson asks you what the considerations for the design of the vault are. Which of the below is not a consideration?

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28. It is October 15th and Officer Unger’s first day with your department. He transferred to your department from another New Jersey police department. In his training records you notice that he has completed Domestic Violence training with his previous department on October 1st. When must he complete the mandated Domestic Violence training again?

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29. Considering the Directive Establishing a Community-Law Enforcement Affirmative Relations Continuing Education Institute, if a police department wishes to allow an in-service training event to satisfy the requirements set forth in the Use of Force Policy and/or the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act while also satisfying the continuing education provisions of the Directive. Who shall determine the content of the in-service training provided to satisfy these in-service training requirements?

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30. You are at the police desk when you overhear Officer Devons ask a woman dropping off an infant under the New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act several questions. Which of the below questions is not a mandated question for officers to ask of such persons?

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31. N.J.S.A. 2C:7-1 et seq., is commonly known as Megan’s Law. This law provides for the creation of a state registry of sex offenders, as well as an Internet website registry, and a community notification procedure, which mandates County Prosecutors to place offenders into one of three categories which are distinguished by the level of risk of re-offense by the offender. Juan Perv has been found to be repetitive and compulsive. He must verify his address with the appropriate law enforcement agency every:

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32. Mrs. Diane Warwick has been called to the police station by her husband to accompany him after being arrested for DWI. She refuses to appropriately identify herself to Officer O’Rourke. What should the officer do next?

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33. John is driving Doug’s car. Doug is in the passenger seat. John is stopped, andeventually arrested, by Officer Ingram for DWI. Doug is sober and shows the officerthe proper paperwork for the vehicle and his own driver license. Which of the belowstatements is true with regard to what action Officer Ingram must take?

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34. During a motor vehicle stop driver, Michael Serva, could not produce proof of insurance to Officer Cruz. Officer Cruz issued the appropriate summonses and gave Mr. Serva a Written Notice of Possible Impoundment. If the impoundment is to go through, Officer Cruz must present, to the judge, all of the below documents except:

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35. Ashley Tryst is being interrogated by Detective Unger for killing her husband in New Jersey. The interrogation is taking place at a detention facility in Pennsylvania as she is being held there for another crime. Detective Unger does not electronically record her interrogation because the facility does not have such equipment. Which of the below is a true statement regarding this situation?

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36. Which of the below statements is true with reference to The Safe Return Program to Recover Lost Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders?

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37. Captain Wendell has delegated several tasks to you as he will be away on vacation for two weeks. One of those tasks involves faxing a completed Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control form LD-1 – Driving While Impaired – Last Drink Location Report. The report is dated for today’s date, Friday, September 5th. What is the latest date this report can be faxed to the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control?

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38. Officer Doneff asks you about the Directive Strengthening Trust Between Law Enforcement and Immigrant Communities. He lists some of the below offenses and states they are listed as “violent or serious offenses” as defined in the directive. Which of the below is incorrect?

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39. Officer Figueroa has responded to a dispute by a landlord and tenant over a possible wrongful eviction. Upon his arrival it appears that the landlord is in violation by attempting to displace the tenant by changing the entry door locks. What must Officer Figueroa do next?

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40. According to the NJ Attorney General’s Directive Regulating “No-Knock” Warrants, which of the below is correct?

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41. Sergeant Hanson is the department’s ViCap Liaison Officer. She is training detectives on when data must be entered into the ViCap database and lists the below situations. Which of the below is correct?

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42. Officer Neilson asks you what criteria must be met before an AMBER Alert is activated. You correctly answer:

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43. Who may authorize the use of samples of controlled dangerous substances taken from evidence for the purpose of training K-9s?

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44. With regards to the retention period for Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) “Hold” Kits, if a victim chooses not to participate in a prosecution, the SAFE collection kit shall be retained:

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45. Which of the below is true regarding the Directive Implementing Procedures and Protocols for Sexual Assault Response and Referrals?

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46. During an investigation of a disorderly persons offense, Officer O’Keefe just completed an interview with Mackenzie Ruiz during which he took notes on a note pad. What is mandated by the Attorney General Directive Regarding Contemporaneous Notes of Witness Interviews and Crime Scenes for the officer to do with these notes?

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47. The Juniper Police Department has an automated license plate reader (ALPR) fixed outside the entrance to its headquarters for the purposes of detecting any possible casing for terroristic activities that may be done against it. How often must an initial Be on the Lookout (BOLO) list be made this device?

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48. Which of the below definitions is considered a “law enforcement activity” as it pertains to an out-of-state law enforcement agency according to the Attorney General Directive on Notification of Out-of-State Law Enforcement Operations conducted in New Jersey?

I.      An investigation conducted by that agency.
II.    An execution of a child-support warrant by that agency.
III.   An intelligence-gathering activity by that agency.
IV.   Transportation of incarcerated persons to and from New Jersey by that agency.

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49. Which of the below situations would require an officer to promptly investigate a possible human trafficking violation or promptly refer the matter to the County Prosecutor’s office for investigation by that office?

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50. Luis Lemar is in the process of moving when he is pulled over for a minor traffic violation. During the stop, Luis Lemar is arrested for an outstanding warrant. At headquarters, he is searched incident to arrest and the search produces approximately seven ounces of marijuana in twenty-eight packages from an Alternate Treatment Center along with a CUMMA registration card bearing Luis’s information. Which of the below statements is true regarding this scenario?

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51. John, James and Juan are all snorting cocaine at John’s house. Juan begins to convulse and foam at the mouth. James immediately calls the police from his cell phone while John attends to Juan. Eventually Juan is taken to the hospital and recovers. According to The Overdose Prevention Act certain persons qualify and receive immunity from being charged for any crime concerning the possession, use, or being under the influence of controlled dangerous substances. Which of the below statements is accurate?

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52. Detective Quintero wishes to use Nelson Mesa to strengthen an investigation of criminal activity. Nelson is a probationer. Which of the below activities to be performed by Nelson would require the detective to seek approval from the County Prosecutor?

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53. Officer Jules, who is wearing a body worn camera (BWC) is not actively engaged in investigating the commission of a criminal offense, or responding to an emergency, or reasonably believes that he will be required to use constructive authority or force. The officer shall not activate a BWC, or shall de-activate a BWC that has been activated if there is a possibility that while the officer is in a ___________________ would be in view of the BWC.

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54. You are reviewing the department’s policy on body worn cameras (BWCs) to ensure they conform with the Attorney General’s guidelines on the same topic. You know BWC recordings have a 180-day retention period however they shall be retained for not less than three years if voluntarily requested by all of the below except:

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55. The Up Hill Police Department is involved in an investigation of drug activity at its border with the Down Hill Police Department. They have identified certain persons, vehicles and buildings on both sides of the border and are ready to seek arrest and search warrants. Following the protocols listed in the Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive Automated Deconfliction of Planned Law Enforcement Operations and Investigations, they make a query into the agency’s automated deconfliction system. This results in a conflict alert which shows the Down Hill Police Department’s interest in some of the individuals involved. Should there be a dispute between the agencies as to resolution, who shall be the first person(s) to resolve it?

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56. The Live Scan fingerprint system is needed to initiate the automated pretrial risk assessment process after making an arrest. The automated pretrial risk assessment process may not account for all relevant circumstances to determine which is the best course of action with regards to detaining or releasing an individual. Which of the below does the automated pretrial risk assessment process account for?

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57. Extreme Risk Protective Order procedures are a mechanism for law enforcement to seek the temporary suspension of firearms access for at-risk individuals who, during periods of crisis, pose an elevated risk of endangering themselves or others. An ERPO is a civil court order that is issued by a judge upon consideration of the evidence related to several factors, prompted by a petition by a family or household member or law enforcement officer. Under the Act, a court would consider evidence presented whether the respondent (all of the below are correct except):

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58. Norman Jules is a transgender man. He has been arrested by Officer Mike Huckabee. The officer has legitimate grounds to conduct a strip search for heroin. What is the next proper step to take at this time?

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59. Officer Fritz responded to an incident of domestic violence between a husband and wife. Their twin daughters, Giselle and Julia, both 18-year-old seniors of Hillside High School, were present during the incident. Which of the below is correct regarding the Attorney General Directive Establishing “Statewide Handle with Care (HWC)” Program?

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60. Which of the below is not considered a traumatic event listed in the Attorney General Directive Establishing “Statewide Handle with Care (HWC)” Program?

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61. For Questions #60 through #65 you are Sergeant Sledge. Refer to the supplemental material (you should have printed these 2 pages out.)

How many officers can appropriately be scheduled for the next Human Relations/Sensitivity training class?

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62. If you decide not to schedule anyone for the next Human Relations/Sensitivity training class, and assuming no one else requests leave time, how many officers on the Night Shift will be on their posts for the evening shift on that day, excluding anyone above the rank of police officer?

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63. If you decide to schedule only Officer Ramirez for the next Report Writing training class, how many additional officers, below the rank of sergeant who are not on probation, may be granted time off on that date?

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64. Officers Gomez, Mickey, and Carlos have demonstrated deficiencies in their legal citations and so you have decided to send them to the next Legal Review training class. How many other officers in addition to these three may attend the Legal Review?

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65. Assuming that you have sent the maximum allowable officers to the Legal Review training, which of the following officers must be among those who attend that training?

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The average score is 68%


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