2025 LEE Exam Prep
Thank you for enrolling for Top Cop Inc. We will be mailing your workbook early May. The course will launch on May 15th. You will then have 24/7 access to the course until your test date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call/text/email us. Thank you for enrolling in Top Cop Inc for your test preparation needs.
Click on the below links to be directed to the NJ Civil Service Commission’s Website for more information on the exam.
George Prunes 973-903-4588
Bill Peer 201-920-0021
Email for both: [email protected]
If you are interested in beginning your physical training for the police academy, we recommend reaching out to Jay Martinez of Warning Order Tactical by clicking here or calling (888) 514-2603. Tell them we referred you!
Note: Top Cop Inc is not business parters with Warning Order Tactical (Warning Order LLC) and is not responsible for any claims arising from your experience with them.